Current projects

Radiology Department

St Luke's Hospital is working on the renovation and digitalisation of the Radiology Department. This is a major project with multiple phases. The first phase has started by renovating the old Theatre Building to make it into the Radiology Department and have space for a digitalised X-ray. All the adjustments on the building are according to the safety requirements of the Medical Council.

Renovating Staff Houses

The last months St Luke's Hospital has renovated several staff houses at the mother facility, Gawanani Health Center and Matope Health Center.

New OPD building Chilipa

With the help of St Lukes Foundation St Luke's is building a new OPD at Chilipa Health Center. This building will accomodate the ANC, Public Health, Vaccination, Pharmacy, Accounts and OPD.

Ophtalmology department and glasses

With the partnership of Vision Spring the hospital can buy and sell glasses for a very small price. This means the community will have access to a better vision. Since February 2021 the hospital also has a Eye Specialist. This makes our Ophtalmology Department vibrant and full of expertise.